Teach for Sri Lanka
SL:ET has provided seed funding and advisory support for the creation of a Teach for Sri Lanka which will be part of the Teach for All global network. Teach for Sri Lanka is a leadership development program that will seek to place high achieving graduates (fellows) in public school on a 2 year placement program. Whilst there, fellows will be supported and encouraged to help their students reach the potential. Fellows will then have the option to stay on at school or apply to for management programs at our corporate partners.
Schools & Administrators
Schools must aspire to become progressive learning centres that will ensure learners are 21st century ready by the time they leave. School leaders and administrators need to demonstrate excellent leadership to empower teachers, learn from best practices and engage the community positively. The increase in private schooling suggests that the public sector is not perceived to be meeting the needs of or demonstrating good value to the parent customer.
To ensure effective school improvement at a micro level, we must have high expectations of our school leaders recognising and rewarding talent whilst identifying and addressing where schools fall below expectations. At a macro level, we need better transparency on the inputs and outputs of the education system that will help us to identify which areas to prioritise and invest in.
Planned projects:
- School development framework
- School mapping & data visualisation
Teachers serve on the front line of the education system implementing new curriculum and initiatives with limited training, support and resources. Historically, underinvestment has reduced the quality and capacity for teachers to do their job leaving many behind in an increasingly digital world.
We believe that teachers are part of the solution and that through effective training and appropriate tools they can evolve from knowledge providers into learning facilitators that ensure all learners can progress in the classroom and beyond.
Planned projects:
- Teachers Training Videos
- Teachers Classroom Toolkit
Children & Parents
We should consider the education system as a service industry where children and parents are the end customers. As such, there is huge potential for us to engage with the end customers to in order to cultivate independent lifelong learners and more informed parents.
Currently many parents opt to send their children to private schools and/or private tuition despite the enormous wealth of free education online. We believe through better awareness we can disrupt the private tuition market and create independent lifelong learners who can confidently compete in this ever accelerating digital global economy.
Planned projects:
- Free eLearing library website
- National eLearning Prizes
Thank you for contacting us.
We will be in touch in the coming weeks as we start to move forward with plans.